Please read the attached Welcome Letter and Notice of Privacy Practices. You may print a copy of this for your records. NOTE: Please complete the following registration. Please DO NOT "X" out at any time -- this will create an incomplete response and we will not be able to register your student.
Parent/Legal Guardian of Student (please type your name -- First & Last)* must provide value
Student's Last Name* must provide value
Student's First Name* must provide value
Student's Middle Initial (optional)
Student's Date of Birth* must provide value
Today M-D-Y Student ID #* must provide value
Street Address:* must provide value
City:* must provide value
State:* must provide value
Zip Code:* must provide value
• Comprehensive health assessments
• Immunizations
• Diagnosis and treatment of minor, acute and chronic medical conditions
• Nutrition counseling and education
• Referrals to and follow-up for specialty care, oral and vision health services
• Mental health and substance use disorder assessments, crisis intervention, counseling and treatment*
• Referral to mental health and substance abuse services including emergency psychiatric care, community and support programs*
• Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections
• Pregnancy screening
*Please be aware: In accordance with Delaware law, any minor age 14 or over may consent to voluntary outpatient mental health services and parental consent is not required.
Your decision for elective services will not impact your student's ability to receive the services listed above -- elective services include:
• Birth Control Pills
• Depo-Provera
• Condoms
• HIV Testing
• NuvaRing I wish for my child to receive the above-listed elective services * must provide value
Note: A brief procedure in the SBHC is required for placement and removal of the contraceptive implant (Nexplanon). Imaging (example: X-ray) or referral may be needed for complicated placement and removal. I wish for my child to receive Nexplanon * must provide value
• Treatment or testing of complex medical or psychiatric conditions
• Ongoing primary treatment of chronic medical conditions
• Complex lab tests
• Hospitalization
• X-rays
Some services offered by this School-Based Health Center are confidential by law. If you consent to your child receiving confidential services at the School-Based Health Center, then, according to Delaware Law (Title 13 §710), you will not have access to information about these services unless your child gives the School-Based Health Center permission to share that information. This includes the following information:
• Pregnancy testing
• Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections
• Reproductive health services including contraceptive implant -- unless complications occur
• HIV testing
I UNDERSTAND that the Delaware Division of Public Health ("DPH"), a division of the Department of Health and Social Services, retains administrative authority over, and provides partial funding for, the School-Based Health Center. Designated School-Based Health Center team members are obligated by law to disclose specific patient information to DPH for the purpose of preventing or controlling disease, injury, surveillance, or disability in the United States including Delaware. The information to be disclosed is mandated and required by law to release to DPI includes: sexually transmitted disease, laboratory data, births, deaths, adverse medication reactions, child abuse or neglect, and domestic violence. Other general information will also be sent to DPH for statistical tracking, but this information is de-identified which means that my student's name is removed.
I have had the opportunity to receive and review the Christiana Care Health Services' Notice of Privacy Practices brochure.
I understand that "telehealth" is the mode of delivering health care services using digital communication technology to help evaluate, diagnose, consult, educate, monitor, and manage care and treatment without being in the same physical location as my provider.
I understand that a telehealth visit is not the same as an in-person visit because I will not be in the same room with my provider. I understand that I will not be treated through telehealth unless my condition supports the use of this technology as my provider will not be able to perform some aspects of a full physical examination.
I understand that digital communication technology may include, but not be limited to real time two-way audio, video, or other telecommunications or electronic communications, including remote patient monitoring, secure video conferencing, and/or secure texting with my care team.
I understand that there are benefits to utilizing telehealth services, which include, but are not limited to, convenient medical evaluation and management. I also understand that there are risks involved in receiving treatment through telehealth, which include, but are not limited to interruption in the audio/video connection that may result in the visit being postponed until a later time and/or performed through an alternate method, and, in rare cases, unauthorized access to my confidential information. In the event of a technical failure, I understand that I should immediately contact my provider's office, or, if it is an emergency, dial 911.
I understand that laws protecting the confidentiality of my medical information also apply to telehealth and that ChristianaCare uses security protocols to help protect my privacy and ensure my confidential communications are sent only to the intended care team member(s).
I understand that ChristianaCare will not record the video or audio of my telehealth visit without my consent at the time of the recording.
I consent to have ChristianaCare obtain health information from me and provide health care services to me through telehealth communications when and where my provider or qualified member of my care team determines it is appropriate and necessary.
I understand that I may refuse or stop participation in telehealth services and request alternate services, such as an in-person visit, at any time.
I UNDERSTAND that insurance may be billed for covered services and the need to provide insurance information to the School-Based Health Center before services are provided. I UNDERSTAND that the School-Based Health Center shall not charge co-pays or any other out-of-pocket fees for use of School-Based Health Services. I UNDERSTAND I expressly give permission for Christiana Care and its business associates to use any telephone number provided by me or on my behalf, regardless of whether it is a cell phone number and/or whether I may be charged for the call or text. I agree that this telephone number may be used for healthcare and account matters (including collections), and include automatic telephone dialers and/or pre-recorded calls and/or text messages. I understand that my consent to use my telephone number is not required in order to receive health care services. This telephone consent applies to all past, present and future Christiana Care services until revoked. I UNDERSTAND this consent may be revoked in writing at any time, except to the extent that action has been taken in reliance on this consent. Any requests for revocation must be in writing and sent to the School-Based Health Center associated with my student's care. I UNDERSTAND that all information requested on the registration Health History Form and this consent is accurate and complete. My student and I have read this form carefully and I understand that before I sign this authorization, if I have any questions, I may call the School-Based Health Center Coordinator. PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: I, ______ , give my consent for ______ ______ , DOB ______ , who resides at ______ , ______ , ______ , ______ , to receive health services at the Dickinson School-Based Health Center (SBHC) administered by Christiana Care.
And by my signature, I certify that as the parent or legal guardian of the student named above, I understand the School-Based Health Center consent for treatment. (Please click on the green plus sign to the right of the page to add your signature.) * must provide value
( MB)
Parent/Legal Guardian Date/Time Signed:* must provide value
( MB)
Student Date/Time Signed:
Now M-D-Y H:M Student's Name: ______ , ______ ______ Student's Address:
______ , ______ , ______ , ______ Student's DOB: ______ Student's Grade* must provide value
Identified Sex* must provide value
Transgender Male
Transgender Female
Decline to Answer
Race (mark all that apply):* must provide value
Black/African American
Asian/Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Please specify "Other" race:
Ethnicity * must provide value
Please specify "Other" ethnicity:
Primary Care Physician/Family Doctor Name (if you need assistance with finding a doctor, please call the SBHC):
Primary Care Physician Phone Number:
please enter as xxx xxx xxxx with no dashes or parentheses
Student's Cell Phone #:
please enter as xxx xxx xxxx with no dashes or parentheses
Student's Email Address:* must provide value
please enter NA if there is no email address
Is student employed: Yes
Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact Relationship to Student:
Emergency Contact Phone #:
please enter as xxx xxx xxxx with no dashes or parentheses
Are you the student's:
* must provide value
Legal Guardian
Mother's Full Legal Name:* must provide value
Mother's Street Address, City, State, Zip Code:* must provide value
Mother's Date of Birth:
Today M-D-Y Best Way to Contact Mother:* must provide value
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Mother's Home Phone Number:* must provide value
please enter as xxx xxx xxxx with no dashes or parentheses
Mother's Cell Phone Number:* must provide value
please enter as xxx xxx xxxx with no dashes or parentheses
Mother's Work Phone Number:* must provide value
please enter as xxx xxx xxxx with no dashes or parentheses
Mother's Email Address:* must provide value
please enter NA if there is no email address
Mother's Employer Name & Address:
Father's Full Legal Name:* must provide value
Father's Street Address, City, State, Zip Code:* must provide value
Father's Date of Birth:
Today M-D-Y Best Way to Contact Father:* must provide value
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Father's Home Phone Number:* must provide value
please enter as xxx xxx xxxx with no dashes or parentheses
Father's Cell Phone Number:* must provide value
please enter as xxx xxx xxxx with no dashes or parentheses
Father's Work Phone Number:* must provide value
please enter as xxx xxx xxxx with no dashes or parentheses
Father's Email Address:* must provide value
please enter NA if there is no email address
Father's Employer Name & Address:
Legal Guardian Name (if not mother or father):* must provide value
Relationship to Student:* must provide value
Legal Guardian's Street Address, City, State, Zip Code:* must provide value
Legal Guardian's Date of Birth:
Today M-D-Y Best Way to Contact Guardian:* must provide value
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Guardian's Home Phone Number:* must provide value
please enter as xxx xxx xxxx with no dashes or parentheses
Guardian's Cell Phone Number:* must provide value
please enter as xxx xxx xxxx with no dashes or parentheses
Guardian's Work Phone Number:* must provide value
please enter as xxx xxx xxxx with no dashes or parentheses
Guardian's Email Address:* must provide value
please enter NA if there is no email address
Guardian's Employer Name & Address:
INSURANCE INFORMATION (REQUIRED) -- Please complete this information and if you have insurance, please upload a copy FRONT and BACK of your insurance card where prompted below:
What is the primary source of payment for care -- please check one:* must provide value
No Insurance (if you need assistance with obtaining insurance, please contact the SBHC)
Medicaid Provider
Commercial Insurance
Delaware Healthy Children Program
Medicaid Provider Name:* must provide value
Medicaid Number:* must provide value
Medicaid Insurance Card -- please upload a copy of the FRONT of your insurance card ( MB)
Medicaid Insurance Card -- please upload a copy of the BACK of your insurance card ( MB)
Commercial Insurance Name:* must provide value
Commercial Insurance Policy Number:* must provide value
Commercial Insurance Subscriber Name:* must provide value
Commercial Insurance Relationship to Student:* must provide value
Commercial Insurance Subscriber Date of Birth:* must provide value
Today M-D-Y Commercial Insurance Card -- please upload a copy of the FRONT of your insurance card ( MB)
Commercial Insurance Card -- please upload a copy of the BACK of your insurance card ( MB)
What is the secondary insurance information if applicable? Medicaid Provider
Commercial Insurance
Medicaid Provider Name:* must provide value
Medicaid Number:* must provide value
Medicaid Insurance Card -- please upload a copy of the FRONT of your insurance card ( MB)
Medicaid Insurance Card -- please upload a copy of the BACK of your insurance card ( MB)
Commercial Insurance Name:* must provide value
Commercial Insurance Policy Number:* must provide value
Commercial Insurance Subscriber Name:* must provide value
Commercial Insurance Relationship to Student* must provide value
Commercial Insurance Subscriber Date of Birth:* must provide value
Today M-D-Y Commercial Insurance Card -- please upload a copy of the FRONT of your insurance card ( MB)
Commercial Insurance Card -- please upload a copy of the BACK of your insurance card ( MB)
Student's Name: ______ , ______ ______
Student's DOB: ______
Student's Grade: ______ Does your child have any allergies? (food, medication, latex)* must provide value
If "Yes", please list:* must provide value
Please do not use quotes (") or apostrophes (') in your answer as this may cause an error
Please provide the following information about medications your child is taking: How many medications does your child take? 1
More than 5
Name of first medication
Reason for taking the first medication
Start date for the first medication
Today M-D-Y Name of second medication
specify one medication at a time
Reason for taking the second medication
Start date for the second medication
Today M-D-Y Name of third medication
specify one medication at a time
Reason for taking the third medication
Start date for the third medication
Today M-D-Y Name of fourth medication
specify one medication at a time
Reason for taking the fourth medication
Start date for the fourth medication
Today M-D-Y Name of fifth medication
specify one medication at a time
Reason for taking the fifth medication
Start date for the fifth medication
Today M-D-Y Please list the names of each medication, reason for taking, and start date for each:
Please do not use quotes (") or apostrophes (') in your answer as this may cause an error
Please check which of the following your CHILD has ever had:* must provide value
Acne/Skin Problems
ADHD/Learning Disability
Chicken Pox
Cystic Fibrosis
Fainting Spells
Frequent Colds
Head Injury
Heart Disease
Heart Murmur
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Kidney/Bladder Disease
Rheumatic Heart Disease
Seasonal Allergies
Sickle Cell
Sleeping Problems
Sports Injury
Stomach/Intestinal Problems
Suicide Attempts
Suicidal Thoughts
Substance Abuse
Thyroid Disease
Please provide more detail of your 'checked' selections above:
Please do not use quotes (") or apostrophes (') in your answer as this may cause an error
Has your child ever been hospitalized?* must provide value
If "Yes", please state the reason for hospitalization:* must provide value
Please do not use quotes (") or apostrophes (') in your answer as this may cause an error
If "Yes", when and where was your child hospitalized?* must provide value
Please do not use quotes (") or apostrophes (') in your answer as this may cause an error
Has your child ever received counseling for emotional health?* must provide value
If "Yes", what was the reason for counseling:* must provide value
Please do not use quotes (") or apostrophes (') in your answer as this may cause an error
If "Yes", when and where did your child receive counseling?* must provide value
Please do not use quotes (") or apostrophes (') in your answer as this may cause an error
Please check any of the following illnesses that your FAMILY MEMBERS (parent, brother, sister, grandparent, aunt, uncle, etc.) have ever had: ADHD/Learning Disability
Alcoholism/Drug Abuse
Birth Defects
Cystic Fibrosis
Heart Disease
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Kidney/Bladder Disease
Mental Illness
Sickle Cell
Thyroid Disease
Unexplained Death
If "ADHD/Learning Disability", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Alcoholism/Drug Abuse", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Anemia", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Arthritis", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Asthma", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Birth Defect", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Cancer", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Cystic Fibrosis", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Deafness", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Diabetes", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Headaches", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Heart Disease", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Hemophilia", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Hepatitis", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "High Blood Pressure", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "High Cholesterol", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Kidney/Bladder Disease", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Mental Illness", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Obesity", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Seizures", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Sickle Cell", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Stroke", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Thyroid Disease", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Tuberculosis", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Unexplained Death", which FAMILY MEMBER:
If "Other", please specify type of illness and FAMILY MEMBER: